Monday, May 12, 2014

Art III -- Perspective Mural Final

In making this piece, my group ran into many problems. For one thing, a janitor told us that we couldn't use our original medium of chalk which made us turn to duct tape for the project. Then, we had to figure out just how to get the tape set up correctly. This was really hard to do with our original cardboard cutout because everyone had different heights and if they wanted to look through the cardboard and line it up with what we had done, it sometimes would look funny and not quite right. From there, our group was really big and it led to us sometimes not being happy because some people thought it would look better one way and others thought it would look better another.

In general, I'm just glad it's done. As much as I was glad to learn how to make it look like letters were just floating around, I'm happy to be back inside and making art in the art room instead of constantly tearing down tape and remaking the letter "R."

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