So, before even looking, please know that both of these went nothing like I had planned and with the time limit I was given I couldn't fix them after learning what had to be done.
So, this was the first one and I found out that the game went too fast. I guess people can just think I sped through Mario. Without hitting a button. Yeah, sure, I'll go with that. I used this idea because I only had two ideas to begin with. The orignal idea was followed and all went well except I thought that the first layer would fill in the space on higher layers and it didn't, so I had to merge layers. Otherwise, everything is still except the Mario game, so I guess that counts for something, right?
Next was my picture idea. This one was a pain and it still is a pain. I can't really fix it. I tried everything possible. I probably could take new pictures and get better results since I actually know what I'm doing this time around. As said before, this was one out of two ideas, which is why it was chosen. I was faced with many technical difficulties for problems. and simply the pictures don't want to do what I want. It worked much better in theory. However, everything behind the picture is still.